
The Year of Faith Begins in ONE WEEK!

If you did not know, Pope Benedict has declared a "Year of Faith" beginning on October 11th of this year.  For youth, this year is an incredible opportunity to work on the depth of your faith.  I would encourage you to do three things to help you do this in the upcoming year:

  • Commit to a deeper prayer life - look to commit at least 15-30 minutes of prayer each day.  Let this be through recitation of the rosary, praying lectio divina, or spending time in silence in front of the Holy Eucharist.
  • Read & Study the YouCat - Pope Benedict has called the Church to study the documents of Vatican II and the Catechism to help deepen our faith this upcoming year.  If you do not have a YouCat, get one!  If you want a great study resource, check out the Newman Connection YouCat Study Course.
  • Frequent the Sacraments - The more time you spend being loved on by our Lord, the more you will fall in love with Him. Commit to regular confession and when you are able, make it a priority to go to daily Mass.
All of our youth events this year will have a theme that will also help aid you in this journey through the Year of Faith.  Look forward to more resources coming every month!

Lastly, if you have not signed up for the youth rally yet (Junior High is October 14th, High School is November 4th), be sure to talk to your parish and get signed up!