
Drop Your Nets

I once attended a retreat based on Imaginative Prayer. It comes from the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius and allows scripture to unfold in our minds using imagination. I'll never forget praying with the call of Simon in Luke 5. Jesus gets into the boat with Simon and tells him to drop his nets, even though they had caught nothing all day.

The story proceeded normally in my mind until it dawned on me how hilariously awkward this scene would be! Imagine: hundreds of blubbery fish in a tiny boat, whacking things with their tales and covering the men in the boat. The Scripture was coming to life! Jesus erupted into a deep warm laugh in my mind as He and Simon worked furiously to pull in the nets. A few moments later, after the biggest catch of his life, Simon leaves everything and follows Jesus!

As the scene played in my mind, Jesus was suddenly looking at me, asking me to drop my nets - my fears, my doubts - that He might fill my heart to overflowing. He didn't stop there. He wanted me to follow Him, wherever He goes He wanted me to be. As Simon followed Him, we are to follow Him. If Jesus calls, are we willing to leave everything and follow Him?

-Emily Hoffmann

Upcoming Events

  • Our November Search retreats are coming up! Aberdeen will host November 1st-3rd and Sioux Falls November 8th-10th. Register Here
  • Our Youth Conference will take place in Brookings on November 16th! You don't want to miss this day of prayer, music, speakers and fun. Learn how to register here
  • The Diocese will be leading a pilgrimage to the March for Life in Washington D.C. this January. All are welcome! Click here for more information!
  • Want to get the most out of your Catholic faith and help your family and friends do the same? That’s what Saturday, October 26, Encountering Jesus Christ is all about. National leaders will share their insights on how we can all grow closer to God. Learn more and register here!